FL2: Farm Livelihood Indicators and Month Wise Report
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Sr No. Indicators Purpose As on March
Financial Year:  2024-25
Achievement for the Financial Year: 2024-25 Cumulative
Total Percentage of
1 No. of Mahila Kisans covered under AEP
ES 27487684 27487684
2 No of Mahila Kisan supported under
livestock interventions
ES/VD 10217481 10217481
3 No of MahilaKisan supported for NTFP ES/VD 625113 625113
4 No. of blocks entered under farm
livelihoods interventions
ES 5377 5377
5 No of Blocks covered under NTFP interventions ES 723 723
6 No of Krishi Sakhis (Agriculture CRP) positioned ES/VD 220499 220499
7 No of Pasu Sakhis (Livestock CRP) positioned ES/VD 152993 152993
8 No of Van Sakhis (NTFP CRP) positioned ES/VD 12075 12075
9 No of Krishi Udyog Sakhi positioned VD 43921 43921
10 No. of districts entered under farm livelihoods
OTH 1233 1233
11 No. of Villages covered under farm livelihoods
OTH 575881 575881
12 No of other livelihoods CRPs positioned OTH 29857 29857
13 No. of Custom Hiring Centers Established OTH 24660 24660
14 No of blocks covered under organic OTH 1405 1405
15 Areas covered under organic farming (Acre) OTH 599039 599039
16 No of Local Groups formed under organic
OTH 64815 64815
17 No of Local Groups registered in PGS portal
under organic interventions
OTH 42235 42235
18 No of Mahila Kisan adopted at least
three essential AEP practices
VD 7881497 7881497
19 No. of mahila kisan House hold having
agri nutri garden
VD 16027637 16027637
20 No of villages under organic farming VD 139599 139599
21 No of mahila kisans as members
of Local Groups
VD 654850 654850
22 No. of Producer Groups promoted (PG) for
forward linkage & marketing
VD 161738 161738
23 No. of PGs formalized (registered) VD 158148 158148
24 Mahila Kisans covered by producer Groups VD 2897980 2897980
25 No. of Produces Groups transacting
through digital platform
VD 62392 62392
26 No of large size producer companies set up VD 626 626
27 No. of mahila kisans who are shareholders
of the companies
VD 1018061 1018061
28 No of PGs given fund against business plan OTH 52874 52874
29 No. of organic vegetable retail outlets opened
up to help farmers sell their produce
VD 6134 6134